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The RNC 2012 Fact-checked
The highly anticipated 2012 Republican National Convention took place last week and featured a number of GOP heavyweights like former Sectary of State Condoleezza Rice and Tea Party favorite Sen. Marco Rubio who endorsed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. We'll take a look at some of the highlights from the convention and debunk the misinformation and untruths that were told featuring:
POLITICO Reporter Tim Mak
Should The West Indian American Day Parade Be Cancelled?

Since the 1960's West Indian Americans have been celebrating the history, culture and unity of the Caribbean at the annual West Indian American Day Parade on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, NY. However in recent years fatal shootings and gun violence in midst of the festivities have overshadowed the spirit and purpose of the parade. We'll talk to the president of the West Indian American Day Parade Association Thomas Bailey to see if there is a correlation between this day of Caribbean pride and violence and what should be done to put an end to the mayhem.
Also, we'll get you up to speed about voter registration info so that you can #BeHeard at the 2012 elections during the
And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the
"News Round Up"
"News Round Up"
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