Saturday, September 8, 2012

White Privilege & DNC Highlights

And join our discussions on...

White Privilege In 2012: 
Is It Still An Issue In The Obama Era? 
White privilege is often a touchy topic that is rarely discussed and tends to make people uncomfortable.  On LYVBH, we will conduct an open and honest conversation about it, its role in 2012 and why some experts say it's a systemic ill that places the social, cultural and economic experiences of whites as the "norm" at the expense of others. 
Featuring David J. Leonard,
Associate Professor in the Department of Critical Culture, Gender and Race Studies at Washington State University, Pullman and author of 
After Artest: Race and the War on Hoop

The DNC Highlights

Last week at the Democratic National Convention, we heard riveting speeches from Democratic heavyweights like Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton and dozen of celebrities like Kerry Washington showed support for Obama's re-election campaign.  President Obama also made his appeal to the American people about why  he deserves four more years in office.  We'll talk about the best moments from the DNC and how much, if any, impact it had on voters featuring:
Obama Delegate & Community Organizer Brian Benjamin

This week on the "Quickie" we'll discuss
Military Suicide:
The Untold Tragedy of the War In Afghanistan

And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

Let Your Voice Be Heard! radio broadcasts live from WHCR 90.3 FM Radio
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  Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST

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