Saturday, September 22, 2012

Are The 47% Entitled? & Is Censorship Ever Justified?

And join our discussions on...

The "47 Percent:" Are We Entitled?

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was recently caught referring to 47 percent of Americans as government dependent moochers who don't pay taxes and feel "entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing." How true is that statement? How do you define entitlement and are we indeed "entitled?" We'll talk about this and more featuring:
Tom Murphy, writer for the Huffington Post and 
founder/writer of the blog 'A View From the Cave'

Free Speech vs. Censorship:
Is Censorship Ever Justified?
In light of the  anti-Islamic film that have sparked ongoing Muslim protests and the murders of US diplomats in the Middle East, we will examine the role that free speech or hate speech played in inciting these uproars. We'll also question if there is ever a justification for censorship--even if it means protecting people's lives. Featuring:
the NYCLU's Suffolk County Chapter Director Amol Sinha 
Imam Al-Amin Abdul-Latif, a local Muslim leader and the 
President of the Islamic Leadership Council of NY

This week on the "Quickie" we'll explain
Attorney General Eric Holder's Charge of being Held In Contempt of Congress

Attorney General Eric Holder was found not guilty on charges that he knew about the government's controversial gun-trafficking operation known as "Fast and Furious" and the effort to trace the flow of guns to Mexico's drug cartels before 2011.  Find out why he was held in contempt of Congress, what could have happened and if the verdict is fair.

And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

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