Friday, August 10, 2012

Islamophobia & the Sikh Temple Shooting And Gentrification

Broadcasting Live From WHCR 90.3 FM Radio
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And join our discussions on...

America's Not-So-Secret Fear of the Muslim Community & It's Impact on Sikhs & Others

The recent shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin has once again drawn our attention to an issue we know is there, but as a country refuse to address. Ever since the tragic events of 9/11, Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiment has become an epidemic. Because Sikh faith-based believers are commonly mistaken for being Muslims , they too have been the victims of Islamophobic attacks. We'll speak to speaker, writer and activist Anya Cordell about the Sikh community's reaction to the Wisconsin shooting and putting an end to targeted hate speech and crimes against Islamic and Sikh communities.

How It's Changing & Affecting Black & Brown Communities
The process of gentrification occurs when wealthier people buy or rent out property in low income communities, driving up rents and displacing long-term residents. With more money funneled into these communities, many have noticed that areas once downtrodden and neglected are becoming cleaner and safer. But the cost is not cheap, as many long-time, hard-working residents are literally forced out of their homes as the price of rent, goods & services skyrocket. So who really benefits? We'll talk about the racial and socioeconomic factors of gentrification and its affects on communities of color featuring: Dr. Mindy Fullilove, the author of “Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can Do About It.”

Also, find out how Obama is changing the "work for welfare" requirement rules during the 

And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

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