Saturday, June 30, 2012

Race & Politics and "Show Me Your Papers"

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You can listen online at, but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx and some parts of Queens can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM.

And join our conversations on...

Race & Politics: 
Has Race Infiltrated Politics For The First Black President?
  President Obama has received an unprecedented degree of ridicule and criticism for his policies, initiatives and administration.  We'll examine the role race and racism has played in the attacks against Obama's Affordable Care Act and in the Fast and Furious case. Featuring:
Judy Lubin
Political Commentator and President of Public Square Communications

"Show Me Your Papers"

The Supreme Court recently ruled on Arizona's SB 1070 bill upholding  the "Show Me Your Papers" provision which requires law enforcement officials to ask suspected immigrants about their citizenship status.  Protesters have  renamed the law "Juan Crow" in respect to the Jim Crow Laws of the South. We'll talk about how this law will affect the Latino population in Arizona. Featuring:
Ted Hesson, Online Editor at the Long Island Wins

This week on "The Quickie," we'll give you a quick break down on how the Affordable Health Care Act how it will help and affect your health care.

And, on a lighter note, we'll be talking about the latest, funniest and quirkiest news headlines during the 
"News Round Up"

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                        Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST
Our mission is to inform, educate, and empower young  urban adults and provide a platform for young adults to confront, challenge and make changes to the issues we see in 
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