About Us

Let Your Voice Be Heard! Reloaded
In 2006, Selena Hill created Let Your Voice Be Heard! (LYVBH) as a venue for the students of SUNY Old Westbury to express their views on issues within the institution and the struggles they faced as young adults. The show also encouraged students to voice their creative, musical, and artistic talents and it exposed young new artists and party promotion groups.

Now after a two year hiatus, LYVBH! was relaunched and reloaded in 2011.  It serves with its original purpose at hand, but has expanded to become the VOICE of young urban adults across the NATION. 

The diverse staff of LYVBH!: Selena Hill, Dustin Plutzer, Claudia Laurent, Patricia Valoy and engineer Stanley Fritz deliver an exhilarating and controversial radio talk show that invites listeners to engage in open forum discussions and debates about today's social issues and political matters. 

Our mission is to be a radio show that values everyone's opinion and where nothing is out-of-bounds.  

*Tune in every Sunday from 11am-1pm!  To listen, click HERE.*

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