Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gay Republicans & Street Harassment

And join our discussions on...

Part 1 of Exploring A Political Paradox:
Gay Conservatives Who Support The GOP

 Despite the fact that the Republican party seeks to nationalize a ban on same-sex marriage, reissue “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and supports anti-gay organizations like the Boy Scouts, there are a number of openly gay conservatives who back the GOP.  We'll find out why Gay conservatives favor the party that does not support their lifestyles or rights. Featuring:
Gay Republican activist Jimmy LaSalvia, the founder of GOProud

Street Harassment:
What's The Big Deal?
Over 80% of women have or will experience street harassment across the global.  It's an epidemic that young girls are taught to expect and that society ignores.  But when is enough, enough and where should it stop: at public masturbation, physical contact, verbal assaults?  Or do women actually like it? We'll talk to
Holly Kearl, 
A published author/speaker and the founder of

This week on the "Quickie" we'll explain
The United Nations General Assembly 
What is it, why we have it, what happened there this week that was newsworthy?

And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

Let Your Voice Be Heard! radio broadcasts live from WHCR 90.3 FM Radio
You can listen online at, but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx and some parts of Queens can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM.

To Listen, click here:
download the Tune In App and listen from your smartphone

 **Call in to let YOUR voice be heard at
(212) 650-6903**

  Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST

Our mission is to be a radio show where every opinion is welcomed and nothing is out-of-bounds.

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Be Heard!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Are The 47% Entitled? & Is Censorship Ever Justified?

And join our discussions on...

The "47 Percent:" Are We Entitled?

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was recently caught referring to 47 percent of Americans as government dependent moochers who don't pay taxes and feel "entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing." How true is that statement? How do you define entitlement and are we indeed "entitled?" We'll talk about this and more featuring:
Tom Murphy, writer for the Huffington Post and 
founder/writer of the blog 'A View From the Cave'

Free Speech vs. Censorship:
Is Censorship Ever Justified?
In light of the  anti-Islamic film that have sparked ongoing Muslim protests and the murders of US diplomats in the Middle East, we will examine the role that free speech or hate speech played in inciting these uproars. We'll also question if there is ever a justification for censorship--even if it means protecting people's lives. Featuring:
the NYCLU's Suffolk County Chapter Director Amol Sinha 
Imam Al-Amin Abdul-Latif, a local Muslim leader and the 
President of the Islamic Leadership Council of NY

This week on the "Quickie" we'll explain
Attorney General Eric Holder's Charge of being Held In Contempt of Congress

Attorney General Eric Holder was found not guilty on charges that he knew about the government's controversial gun-trafficking operation known as "Fast and Furious" and the effort to trace the flow of guns to Mexico's drug cartels before 2011.  Find out why he was held in contempt of Congress, what could have happened and if the verdict is fair.

And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

Let Your Voice Be Heard! radio broadcasts live from WHCR 90.3 FM Radio
You can listen online at, but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx and some parts of Queens can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM.

To Listen, click here:
download the Tune In App and listen from your smartphone

 **Call in to let YOUR voice be heard at
(212) 491-4685**

  Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST

Our mission is to be a radio show where every opinion is welcomed and nothing is out-of-bounds.

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Be Heard!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Muslim Protest in the Middle East & The Worth of Higher Education

And join our discussions on...

Violence In The Middle East
In the wake of the violent attacks against US embassies throughout the Middle East, many people are asking what sparked this outburst of Muslim protests against America in countries that the US is providing billions of dollars in aid.  We'll talk with POLITICO reporter Tim Mak to help break down this situation and help us understand the cause of events that lead to the deaths of four US diplomats. 

Higher Education: Is It Worth It?

With the rise of tuition costs and the unemployment rate over the past few years, many people have started to question the worth of higher education. We'll have an in depth discussion about student debt, unemployment and the worth of higher learning featuring:
Vanessa Torres of Latina Smart 
An organization that promotes higher education and success for Latinas 

This week on the "Quickie" we'll discuss
The Fed's New Stimulus Plan

We'll explain how the Federal Reserve Bank's plan to buy mortgage-backed securities at a rate of $85 billion per month through the rest of the year, and then $40 billion per month will affect the labor market.

And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

Let Your Voice Be Heard! radio broadcasts live from WHCR 90.3 FM Radio
You can listen online at, but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx and some parts of Queens can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM.

To Listen, click here:
download the Tune In App and listen from your smartphone

 **Call in to let YOUR voice be heard at
(212) 491-4685**

  Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST

Our mission is to be a radio show where every opinion is welcomed and nothing is out-of-bounds.

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Be Heard!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

White Privilege & DNC Highlights

And join our discussions on...

White Privilege In 2012: 
Is It Still An Issue In The Obama Era? 
White privilege is often a touchy topic that is rarely discussed and tends to make people uncomfortable.  On LYVBH, we will conduct an open and honest conversation about it, its role in 2012 and why some experts say it's a systemic ill that places the social, cultural and economic experiences of whites as the "norm" at the expense of others. 
Featuring David J. Leonard,
Associate Professor in the Department of Critical Culture, Gender and Race Studies at Washington State University, Pullman and author of 
After Artest: Race and the War on Hoop

The DNC Highlights

Last week at the Democratic National Convention, we heard riveting speeches from Democratic heavyweights like Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton and dozen of celebrities like Kerry Washington showed support for Obama's re-election campaign.  President Obama also made his appeal to the American people about why  he deserves four more years in office.  We'll talk about the best moments from the DNC and how much, if any, impact it had on voters featuring:
Obama Delegate & Community Organizer Brian Benjamin

This week on the "Quickie" we'll discuss
Military Suicide:
The Untold Tragedy of the War In Afghanistan

And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

Let Your Voice Be Heard! radio broadcasts live from WHCR 90.3 FM Radio
You can listen online at, but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx and some parts of Queens can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM.

To Listen, click here:
download the Tune In App and listen from your smartphone

 **Call in to let YOUR voice be heard at
(212) 491-4685**

  Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST

Our mission is to be a radio show where every opinion is welcomed and nothing is out-of-bounds.

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

The RNC Fact-checked & Labor Day Parade

And join our discussions on...

The RNC 2012 Fact-checked

The highly anticipated 2012 Republican National Convention took place last week and featured a number of GOP heavyweights like former Sectary of State Condoleezza Rice and Tea Party favorite Sen. Marco Rubio who endorsed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.  We'll take a look at some of the highlights from the convention and debunk the misinformation and untruths that were told featuring:
POLITICO Reporter Tim Mak 

Should The West Indian American Day Parade Be Cancelled?
Since the 1960's West Indian Americans have been celebrating the history, culture and unity of the Caribbean at the annual West Indian American Day Parade on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, NY. However in recent years fatal shootings and gun violence in midst of the festivities have overshadowed the spirit and purpose of the parade. We'll talk to the president of the West Indian American Day Parade Association Thomas Bailey to see if there is a correlation between this day of Caribbean pride and violence and what should be done to put an end to the mayhem.

Also, we'll get you up to speed about voter registration info so that you can #BeHeard at the 2012 elections during the 

And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

Let Your Voice Be Heard! radio broadcasts live from WHCR 90.3 FM Radio
You can listen online at, but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx and some parts of Queens can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM.

To Listen, click here:
download the Tune In App and listen from your smartphone

 **Call in to let YOUR voice be heard at
(212) 491-4685**

  Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST

Our mission is to be a radio show where every opinion is welcomed and nothing is out-of-bounds.

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