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but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx
and some parts of Queens can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM.
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NYC’s Sugary Beverage
According to Reversing Obesity Task Force, obesity is a leading cause of preventable death, second only to tobacco. 58 percent of adults – or a total of 3,437,000 people – are overweight or obese. The Task force and the Mayor believe setting a maximum size for sugary drinks offered and sold in restaurants and other Food Service Establishments is a way we can change the default and help reacquaint New Yorkers with “human size” portions to reduce excessive consumption of sugary drinks.
Special Guest: Michele Simon founder of, a public
health lawyer specializing in legal strategies to counter corporate
tactics that harm the public’s health and author of Appetite for Profit:
How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back.
Bullying in the Hood
While the issue of
bullying has been a hot topic in recent years, the face of the resulting
suicides have been of suburban white teens. A 12-year old boys' from Harlem puts the issue
in the spotlight in urban communities and among people of color, where such
bullying is often under-reported.
Special Guest: Willie Davis from Project Speak Up Now about the issue of bullying in the hood
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Interview w/NYC
Councilman Robert Jackson
We'll Talk about the city budget and current events inside City Hall.
Celebrity Rundown with Guest Host Jeroslyn
Also Join us at the Silent STOP & FRISK MARCH
June 17th at 110th Street and 5th Avenue. Participants will begin to gather at 1:00pm
Or download the Tune In App and listen from your smartphone
**Call in to let YOUR voice be heard (212) 491-4685**
Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST
Our mission is
to inform, educate, and empower young urban adults and provide a
platform for young adults to confront, challenge and make changes to the
issues we see in
politics, media, pop culture and current events.
Be Heard!
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