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but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx
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And join our conversations on...
The NYPD's Ethnic Profiling Practices
Whether it's African Americans and Latinos via the Stop and Frisk program or spying on Islamic mosques and schools, it seems like the NYPD can't get away from claims of racial and religious profiling tactics. Is the NYPD keeping us safe or is this an attack on civil rights? Join us as we connect the dots between NYPD's practices of profiling and discuss the Islamic lawsuit against the city.
The Paycheck Fairness Act
Is it fair for women to be paid less than male colleagues in the workplace? Most people would say no, but apparently not enough officials in the U.S. Senate agree. We'll talk about why Republicans blocked this bill from passing last week and the next steps in the fight against wage discrimination. Featuring:
Dr. Mariko Chang, author of Shortchanged: Why women have less wealth & what can be done about it
Fatima Goss Graves, VP of Education and Employment at the
National Women's Law Center
Dr. Mariko Chang, author of Shortchanged: Why women have less wealth & what can be done about it
Fatima Goss Graves, VP of Education and Employment at the
National Women's Law Center
War On Drugs in Latin America
We'll also talk about the "War On Drugs" in Latin America, who's funding it and how it affects us. Also, how do we explain the rise in femicide in countries like Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico.
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Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST
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to inform, educate, and empower young urban adults and provide a
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