And join our discussions on...
The Role Of Race In College Admissions:
In 2008, a white student sued the University of Texas for denying her admission and argued that she was rejected because of the school's race-conscious admission policies which uses race as a factor to expand diversity. We'll talk about this case, which could lead to new limits on affirmative action, and ask if it should be used in college admissions. Featuring:
Domestic Violence:
A Survivor Tells Her Story
In honor of October, Domestic Violence Month, we'll speak with a domestic violence survivor and address important issues surrounding the epidemic including why women stay in abusive relationships. Featuring:
Domestic Violence Activist Jennifer Spivak
This week on the "Quickie" we'll recap
The Vice Presidential Debate
What where the candidates really saying and were they telling the truth?
And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the
"News Round Up"
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You guys allow it to be quite simple for all your folks available,radio voice over. I’m definitely coming again to see these articles and blogs.