Saturday, October 13, 2012

Race In College Admissions & Domestic Violence

And join our discussions on...

The Role Of Race In College Admissions:
Should Race Be A Factor?

In 2008, a white student sued the University of Texas for denying her admission and argued that she was rejected because of the school's race-conscious admission policies which uses race as a factor to expand diversity.   We'll talk about this case, which could lead to new limits on affirmative action, and ask if it should be used in college admissions. Featuring: 
 the Chair of the National Black Law Students Association Kendra Brown

Domestic Violence: 
A Survivor Tells Her Story

In honor of October, Domestic Violence Month, we'll speak with a domestic violence survivor and address important issues surrounding the epidemic including why women stay in abusive relationships. Featuring:
Domestic Violence Activist Jennifer Spivak

This week on the "Quickie" we'll recap
The Vice Presidential Debate
What where the candidates really saying and were they telling the truth?
And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

Let Your Voice Be Heard! radio broadcasts live from WHCR 90.3 FM Radio
You can listen online at, but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx and some parts of Queens can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM.

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or download the Tune In App and listen from your smartphone

 Call in to let YOUR voice be heard at
(212) 650-6903

  Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST

Our mission is to be a radio show where every opinion is welcomed and nothing is out-of-bounds.

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

The War On Drugs & Latino Republicans

And join our discussions on...

The War On Drugs:
Is This Battle Hurting Us More Than It's Helping?
Over the last 40 years, America's declared "war on drugs" has cost $1 trillion, yet the number of drug users continue to rise, kids experiment with drugs at younger ages and an overwhelming amount of African American men are disproportionately arrested for nonviolent drug charges.  Is the "war on drugs" helping society or is it contributing to the destruction of communities of color and misconceptions about drug users? Featuring: 
Dr. Carl Hart of Columbia University

Part 2 of Exploring A Political Paradox:
Latinos Who Back The GOP Platform
Delegates wave banners during Mitt Romney's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in August.
 For many of us, it may be hard to imagine why some Latinos support the Republican Party which stands behind laws that promote racial profiling in Latino communities, a leader that promotes "self-deportation" for immigrants and has filibustered the DREAM Act which would end the deportation of young immigrants that meet certain criteria.  Yet, in still, some conservative Latinos are fighting for the GOP. We'll find out why Latino conservatives favor the party that does not seem to support immigrant rights. Featuring:
Ruben Estrada, Chairman of the Latino National Republican Coalition of NY

This week on the "Quickie" we'll recap
The First Presidential Debate
What where the candidates really saying and were they telling the truth?

And, of course, we'll share the quirky, funny and moving news headlines that we found throughout the week during the 
"News Round Up"

Let Your Voice Be Heard! radio broadcasts live from WHCR 90.3 FM Radio
You can listen online at, but residents in Harlem, upper Manhattan, the central and lower Bronx and some parts of Queens can tune in on your radio dial at 90.3FM.

To Listen, click here:
or download the Tune In App and listen from your smartphone

 Call in to let YOUR voice be heard at
(212) 650-6903

  Let Your Voice Be Heard airs every Sunday from 11am-1pm EST

Our mission is to be a radio show where every opinion is welcomed and nothing is out-of-bounds.

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