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A recent Supreme Court decision declares that it is okay for law enforcement officials to strip search anyone that is jailed for any reason--even minor offenses like a traffic violation. Two criminal defense attorney's will help us determine how this decision is likely to affect us.
What's Next in the 2012 Presidential Race?
Now that Rick Santorum has dropped out of the GOP race, many people assume Mitt Romney is the automatic Republican nominee. But the question is: What does he stand for? And will he give President Obama a run for his money? We'll also take a look at his recent controversy surrounding women's rights issues and how both he and Obama plan to capture the female vote.
Featuring Huffington Post Senior Political Reporter Amanda Terkel
Plus, hear the latest in news and media including...
The Trayvon Martin Case:
What's next now that his killer, George Zimmerman, has been charged with second-degree murder
Could Logging Into Facebook At Work Be A Crime?
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