And join our conversations on...
A Nation Bond By Student Debt
Student loan debt has officially topped $1 trillion. We'll talk to Robert Applebaum, founder of, and Jennifer Chapple, a Cornell University alum about how and if the Student Loan Forgiveness Act will help the masses of people struggling with debt.
The "Stand Your Ground" Double Standard
Marissa Alexander is facing a 20 year prison sentence for firing gun shots at her abusive husband during a domestic dispute in Florida. We'll examine the facts of the case & talk about why the "Stand Your Ground" law was not applied.
Plus, the latest in news and media including...
Freedom Of Speech
U.S. Marine Sergeant Gary Stein received an other-than-honorable discharge for criticizing President Obama. But should military personnel have to sacrifice their rights to freedom of speech once they enlist?
And lastly, for those who want to stay up-to-date with the latest celebrity news, tune into the
"Celebrity Rundown"
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