So the main plaintiff to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act has actually filed for bankruptcy stemming from unpaid medical bills. The irony in this case is remarkable. Learn more about it here.
I'm sure many of you heard about #StopKony campaign, but before you donate or support the NGO Invisible Children, you should read about the problem with "Kony 2012". In their efforts to save Central Africa, Invisible Children is suggesting that we support Uganda's current government and its military adventures which in fact would hurt Central Africa by increasing the violence.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, it looks like number of hate groups are on the rise and at least 1,018 were operating last year. Hmmm, I wonder why? 

A NYC judge is forcing the fire department to hire more minorities. Do you think this will hurt or strengthen the FDNY? Click here to read more.
kony is a sick son of a bitch and why ....why does he not care of people why hurt them...sick bastard